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Hi Zenyep Have you considered starting fresh? How teams and sharepoint are structured is very different to shared drives. You want to take advantage of that, or you may end up with the worst of all possible worlds (I posted earlier ...
Greetings from the U.S.! I've been working on a comprehensive approach to managing the information of departing employees wherever it exists, based on my own consulting work but augmented by some great references out there including from the U.S. National ...
Hi, I too get instructions for off-boarding managers written into off- boarding check-lists. Staff must complete the task and managers verify completion ------------------------------ Carolyn Hartman MRIM ------------------------------
Hi Zeynep, Hope you're well. Most organisations I work with who fail in this task generally don't manage the migration process well at all. A well planned migration includes assessing the records in the source location (data cleanse, update file naming ...
PS Zeynep - I've also sent you a private message :) ------------------------------ Dr Bethany Sinclair-Giardini, MRIM, MAISA RIMPA Ambassador 2022-Present ------------------------------
Good Afternoon Folks, I need to create a list of tasks to move our network drives to SharePoint Online. I have the outline but not sure if I need to add more to this before we engage with any 3rd party. We'd like to be prepared for the work and also ...